書籍資料 Book Details
書名:The Usborne Book of Racing Cars
ISBN: 978-0794508388
編號: A-E01-002
作者: Clive Gifford
出版社: Usborne
封面: Paperback
頁數: 32頁
適合年齡: 9+歲
訂價: $245

Many young children are amazed and intrigued by racing cars. They want to know what they are called, what kinds of races they take part in and what all the special parts are for. The answers to these questions can be found inside this book. Stunning, dynamic illustrations fill each page. Labels point out all the interesting and important parts of each car. You can follow a hot rod, Grand Prix or Indycar race, learn how a dirt track racer speeds around corners and see inside amazing sports cars. The reader can even imagine climbing inside and racing a top rally or Grand Prix car. The simple but informative text can be read aloud by an adult or enjoyed alone by any young racing car enthusiast.