書籍資料 Book Details
書名:Lions And Tigers And Leopards The Big Cats
ISBN: 0439104637
編號: A-E13-006
作者: Jennifer C. Urquhart
出版社: Scholastic
封面: Paperback
頁數: 32頁
適合年齡: 9+歲
訂價: $210
這本書主要在介紹世界各地不同的的貓科動物, 從獅子,老虎到豹…。等等。適合9歲以上兒童閱讀。

From Asia to North America, seven wondrous wildcats spring to life in dynamic photographs bursting with color. Following range maps, kids take a world tour, offering such tender and exciting scenes as a lioness with her cub, and a cheetah hunting at bullet speed.