書籍資料 Book Details
書名:The Great Wildlife Search
ISBN: 978-0-7945-2209-4
編號: A-E21-010
作者: Felicity Brooks
出版社: EDC
封面: Paperback
頁數: 112頁
適合年齡: 8+歲
訂價: $560
這本書是” The great animal search” , “ The great undersea search”及” the big bug search”三本書的合集。這本書依照不同的時間、介紹了多種不同的動物、海底生物的生態。除了像一本自然圖鑑外,書中也充滿了各種的謎語等待讀者一一去解答。適合老師及8歲以上兒童閱讀。

There is a brain-teasing picture puzzle, with around 100 animals to spot, on every double-page of this book. Each beautifully illustrated scene shows a different part of the world, crammed with the wildlife that lives there. The scorching Sahara, the icy Arctic, the Florida swamps and the Great Barrier Reef are all included, plus lots more. As well as providing countless hours of puzzle-solving fun. This book is packed with fascinating animal facts presented in short, easy-to-read captions. If you get really stuck trying to find the hidden animals, all the answers are in the back of the book. From huge hairy spiders to spindly stick insects, there are around 100bugs hiding on every double-page of this book. Each beautifully illustrated puzzle shows a different part of the world, crammed with tiny creatures. A tropical rainforest, a dusty desert, a peaceful pond, and a shady woodland glade are all included, plus lots more. As well as providing countless hours of puzzle-solving fun, this book is packed with fascinating facts about all kinds of amazing creepy-crawlies presented in short, easy-to-read captions. From giant octopuses and great white sharks, to deep sea divers and treasure troves, there are around 100 things to spot on every double page of this book. Each beautiful illustrated puzzle picture shows a different underwater scene, including the magical world of the coral reef, the spooky ocean depths, a sunken pirate ship and many more. This book provides countless hours of puzzle-solving fun, and is full of fascinating facts about life under the oceans. If you really get stuck trying to find all the hidden things, you can look up the answers at the back of the book.