書籍資料 Book Details
書名:1001 Things to Spot in The Town
ISBN: 978-0746029534
編號: A-K04-003
作者: Anna Milbourne
出版社: E.D.C.
封面: Paperback
頁數: 32頁
適合年齡: 6+歲
訂價: $245
找找看, 你是不是能找到書上提示的東西及正確的數量, 這本書有點類似尋寶的遊戲, 小朋友可以藉著找到相同的東西的方式, 來認得這一千多個單字, 同時看玩一本書也好像環遊世界一週了呢!

Bursting with things for young children to find, count and talk about, this charming picture book provides hours of run. It also helps develop vital word and number skills. A lively carnival, a bustling fishing port, a town park and a crowded shopping street are just a few of the places young readers will visit on a whirlwind tour of towns around the world.