書籍資料 Book Details
書名:Come on, Rain!
ISBN: 978-0-590-33125-8
編號: A01-B-E1-001
作者: Karen Hesse
出版社: Scholastic
封面: Paperback
頁數: 30頁
適合年齡: 7+歲
訂價: $190
怎麼還不下雨呢?泥土都乾乾的,花朵兒也都垂頭喪氣的,媽媽跟小女孩無奈的望著天空。 不一會兒,一陣涼風吹來,天空變灰色了,再不一下子天空就飄起雨來了,大家都好高興,隨著雨點兒在街上跳起舞來了呢! 本書適合5歲以上閱讀,本書字較小,不過插畫十分可愛,相信小女生會很喜歡這本書。

In this quietly affecting story, award-winning author Hesse and artist Muth deftly capture the magnificence of a sudden rainstorm on a swelteringly hot day. Much more than a simple tale of weather, Come On, Rain! Also portrays the tendermess of mother-daughter relations, the ryhthms of urban society, and the power of nature to transform and reinvigorate all forms of life. "A wonderful sense of atmosphere."--Horn Book.