書籍資料 Book Details
書名:The Big Snow
ISBN: 978-0689717574
編號: A01-C-E3-001
作者: Berta / Elmer Hader
出版社: Simon & Schuster
封面: Paperback
頁數: 44頁
適合年齡: 10+歲
訂價: $275
冬天到了, 雁子南飛了, 其他的動物是如何準備過冬的呢? 在本書中, 作者以故事化的方式來描寫各個動物準備過冬的情形。適合國小兒童閱讀。

Simple, engaging text and beautiful pictures tell the story of forest animals getting ready for winter's first big snow. "Honk-honk-honk." The wild geese fly south when cold winds begin to blow from the north. The red squirrel stores nuts and acorns and seeds under leaves and logs. It's getting ready for winter…and the first BIG SNOW.