書籍資料 Book Details
書名:Ocean Counting Odd Number
ISBN: 0-88106-150-6
編號: A03-A-E1-002
作者: Jerry Pallotta
出版社: Charlesbridge
封面: Paperback
頁數: 32頁
適合年齡: 6+歲
訂價: $245

A handsome companion to Underwater Counting: Even Numbers (Charlesbridge, 2001). Pallotta still counts by twos, but slips into the realm of odd numbers, which may prove a slight challenge to readers conditioned to even numbers. However, he does slide into the "evens" for the numbers 50 and 0 at the end of this eye-catching book. Bersani's bright, realistic colored-pencil illustrations will lure readers into perusing the factoid-loaded, simple, conversational text. From "1 Striped Bass" to "23 Horseshoe Crabs" to "50 Blue Sharks," this book offers a colorful, engaging, and intriguing slant on the technique of counting.–Patricia Manning, formerly at Eastchester Public Library, NY