書籍資料 Book Details
書名:Clumsy Crab
ISBN: 978-15-8925-402-2
編號: A03-D-K3-002
作者: Ruth Galloway
出版社: Tiger
封面: Paperback
頁數: 32頁
適合年齡: 5+歲
訂價: $245

Nipper, a loveable crab, has huge, clumsy claws. No matter what games he plays with his friends Nipper’s claws always get in his way. So the friends decide to play hide-and-seek— something they can all do together, but Nipper’s claws ruin his hiding place! So instead, Nipper looks for his friends while they hide. He finds Turtle and Jellyfish, but there’s no sign of Octopus. Until Nipper sees that Octopus is tangled tight in the weeds. Now it’s up to Nipper to rescue Octopus with his big claws! This companion title to Fidgety Fish and Smiley Shark features the same bold, delightful illustrations, humorous text and is peppered with onomatopoeia kids really love. Nipper has huge, clumsy claws that always get in the way. When he tries to play catch-the-bubble with his friends, he accidentally pops the bubble! When everyone plays tag, Nipper trips on one of his huge claws and tumbles away, landing in a big pile of sand. Nipper and his friends decide to play-and-seek. Nipper's own hiding place gets smashed by his claws, so he startes to look for his friends. He finds Turtle and Jellyfish, but there's no sign of Octopus. Finally, they find him tangled up in seaweed! It's up to Nipper and his claws to cut Octopus free! Ruth Galloway, creator of "Fidgety Fish" and "Smiley Shark", brings to us another wonderfully vivid underwater world that children will love to explore with Nipper!