書籍資料 Book Details
書名:Usborne Mysteries & Marvels of Insect Life
ISBN: 978-0590621618
編號: A04-A-E5-002
作者: Dr. Jennifer Owen
出版社: Scholastic
封面: Paperback
頁數: 32頁
適合年齡: 13+歲
訂價: $210
本書可以稱得上是學習昆蟲的小小百科全書,書中介紹了數十種不同的昆蟲,同時對每一昆蟲都有附註詳細的說明。本書適合國中以上 (13歲) 以上兒童閱讀或是當老師的自然科學參考資料。

look at many of the amazing, the mysterious and the unexplained aspects of insect life. Why do some insects change color? What do cockroaches eat? Do honeybees really dance? Test your knowledge of insect life and discover new facts too. Read about blood-sucking moths, waterskiing beetles and the secret language of bees. Enter the fascinationg world of a variety of species in Usborne Mysteries and Marvels of Insects Life.