書籍資料 Book Details
書名:It's Science: You And Your Body
ISBN: 0-516-23861-2
編號: A05-B-E1-004
作者: Sally Hewitt
出版社: Scholastic
封面: Paperback
頁數: 30頁
適合年齡: 9+歲
訂價: $245
在本書中, 作者介紹了人體的重要器官, 教小朋友如何認識自己, 同時要如何的保持健康!書中每一頁都附上一個小小實驗, 小朋友可以自己去試試看喔!這一系列的書適合中、高年級兒童閱讀。

From the muscles that move your arms and legs to the medicines you sometimes need to stay healthy, your body is very important to you. And understanding your body is something that science is all about… It's Science! Is a series of books that introduces children to the science that surrounds them in their everyday world. A simple, friendly text works closely with top-quality photography to open up a new area of learning. Each page is full of things for readers to notice , talk about , and try out for themselves.