書籍資料 Book Details
書名:Mouse Mess
ISBN: 978-0-590-10048-9
編號: A07-A-K2-008
作者: Linnea Riley
出版社: Blue Sky
封面: Paperback
頁數: 28頁
適合年齡: 4+歲
訂價: $245
一隻爬到餐桌上偷食物吃的老鼠,把桌上弄得一團亂,牠會把它整理乾淨嗎? 插畫非常的生動可愛,適合幼稚園兒童閱讀。

In bold, cut-out colors, here's the delicious tale of a mouse in search of a snack who wreaks havoc in the kitchen. Young readers will admire the creative chaos of this midnight snacks and marvel at the antics of a mouse who makes his own peanut butter and jam sandwich!" A tasty frolic."--Kirkus Reviews.