書籍資料 Book Details
書名:Bark George
ISBN: 978-0-06-205185-1
編號: A08-A-K1-003
作者: Jules Feiffer
出版社: HarperCollins
封面: Paperback
頁數: 30頁
適合年齡: 3+歲
訂價: $245

"Bark, George," says George's mother, and George goes: "Meow," which definitely isn't right, because George is a dog. And so is his mother, who repeats, "Bark, George." And George goes, "Quack, quack." What's going on with George? Find out in this hilarious new picture book from Jules Feiffer. 2000 ALA Notable Children's Book, 2000 Notable Children's Books(ALA), and 2000 Charlotte Zolotow Award Honor Book 2001 Buckeye Children's Book Award, 00-01 Keystone to Reading Book Award Masterlist, and 00 2X2 Reading List (TLA)