書籍資料 Book Details
書名:Howdi Do
ISBN: 978-0-7445-7888-1
編號: A08-A-K2-001
作者: Woody Guthrie
出版社: Walker
封面: Paperback
頁數: 20頁
適合年齡: 4+歲
訂價: $280

Here is a cheerful song-story by folk-music legend Woody Guthrie about a bright yellow dog who has to say hello to and "shakey paw" with absolutely everyone. In perhaps the most contagiously cheerful book on the planet, a puppy madly runs through town shaking everyone's hand. Spreading good cheer, and saying "howdi do," of course. Radunsky's crisp, colorful collages ahout and wave and bound with the simple song.