書籍資料 Book Details
書名:Later, Rover
ISBN: 0-14-038000-0
編號: A08-A-K2-006
作者: harriet Ziefert
出版社: Penguin
封面: Paperback
頁數: 30頁
適合年齡: 4+歲
訂價: $140
當小男孩要爸媽或姐姐跟他玩時,他們總是沒空陪他,只有小狗Rover肯陪他玩,直到他累了,Rover 還是一樣精力旺盛!適合4歲以上兒童閱讀。

When Andy asks Mom and Dad to play with him, they just say, “ Later, Andy.” Even his sister Amy is too busy to play. Only Andy’s dog Rover wants to play, but Rover’s favorite game keeps Andy on the run.