書籍資料 Book Details
ISBN: 0-88106-110-7
編號: A09-A-E4-001
作者: Jules Older
出版社: Charlesbridge
封面: Paperback
頁數: 32頁
適合年齡: 8+歲
訂價: $245

A note from the author to the person reading this standing up in the bookstore… I don’t want to sound piggy, but I’d go hog wild if you’d trotter right down to the checkout counter and by this book. It won’t boar you( I’d never take you for grunted). S’wine heck don’t you give it a try? Snout Ham-let, but s’nout very expensive either, and if you look at the pictures first(sow’s you know what it’s about), you won’t be buying a pig in a poke. So root right into the tail. If you like it, I’ll be squealing with delight, eating hight on the hog, happy as a pig in mud, and sitting in hot heaven.