書籍資料 Book Details
書名:The Story about Ping
ISBN: 0-448-42165-8
編號: A12-A-E1-004
作者: Majorie Flack/ Kurt Wiese
出版社: Penguin
封面: Paperback
頁數: 24頁
適合年齡: 6+歲
訂價: $140

Since 1933, The Story About Ping has captivated generations of readers, but never before has it been available in a mass-market paperback format. No one can deny the appeal of the book's hero, Ping, the spirited little duck who lives on a boat on the Yangtze River. Ping's misadventures one night while exploring the world around his home form the basis of this timeless classic, which is brought to life by Kurt Wiese's warm and poignant illustrations.