書籍資料 Book Details
書名:You're a Big Boy, Nestor! [HB]
ISBN: 1-903078-58-x
編號: A13-A-E2-002
作者: Quentin Greban
出版社: Siphano
封面: Hardback
頁數: 26頁
適合年齡: 6+歲
訂價: $300
故事中的小猴子 Nestor一向跟爺爺奶奶很親近,直到有一天奶奶要他跟表妹Nicole玩,Nicole竟然要他躺在嬰兒車裏,他好生氣,因為大男孩是不會坐在嬰兒車中的!於是他就跑出去,直到爺爺發現他將他帶回家去幫大家準備晚餐,他才覺得自己是個大男孩而且又再一次有被愛的感覺。適合6歲以上兒童閱讀。

Nestor loves being with his grandparents—but when Grandmother asks him to play with his cousin Nicole, and Nicole puts him in a doll’s pram, he gets furious! Big Boys NEVER NEVER sit in dolls’ prams!He runs off to the playground, and it is only when Grandfather asks what is wrong and takes him home to cook dinner for everyone, that Nestor starts feeling like a big boy- and a loved boy-once more.