書籍資料 Book Details
書名:Barbie: The Haunted Mansion Mystery
ISBN: 0-439-37204-6
編號: D-B02-010
作者: Linda Aber
出版社: Scholastic
封面: Paperback
頁數: 56頁
適合年齡: 11+歲
訂價: $150
Barbie能找出在Mr. Willow家搞鬼的壞蛋嗎? 這是芭比的另一偵探故事。 Barbie系列的書向來是小女孩的最愛,喜歡芭比的妳千萬不要錯過了這一系列童書。

Something very strange is going on at Mr. Willow's old mansion. There are spooky whispers in the wind, and ghostly footprints keep appearing in the hallways. Mr. Willow is so scared, he's thinking of leaving. Is the house really hauted? Barbie is suspicious. Could someone be after the Willow fortune? It's up to Barbie and her friends to investigate.