書籍資料 Book Details
書名:Nate The Great And The Snowy Trail
ISBN: 0-440-46276-2
編號: R-E011-07
作者: Marjorie Weinman Sharmat
出版社: Random House
封面: Paperback
頁數: 48頁
適合年齡: 7+歲
訂價: $160
在這一集中,Rosamond提早送 Nate the Great生日禮物,可是她在路上時把它給弄丟了,他能依著Rosamond給的線索找到她送他的生日禮物嗎?這又會是一份如何特殊的禮物呢?看看他是如何解開謎題的,這又是怎麼一回事呢。 這一系列的偵探故事,都是在描寫Nate the Great 跟他的狗Sludge如何幫他的朋友們,解開日常生活碰到的難題。相當的生活化,故事內容雖比不上福爾摩斯或是科南來得複雜難解,但是其用字不難,書中的案件也都是生活中常見的小事,對於充滿好奇心,而剛開始試著閱讀小說的兒童來說,是相當好的讀物。適合7歲以上或是已學習英文三至四年的兒童閱讀。

Nate the Great, super slenth, has his work cut out for him when Rosamond loses his birthday present. He and his faithful do, Sludge, must face snow, ice, and ferocious-looking Fang. Annie's dog, to solve the case. But how can Nate find his missing present when Rosamond won't tell him what it is?