書籍資料 Book Details
書名:Q: The Quicks And Question
ISBN: 0-375-80272-x
編號: R-E038-17
作者: Ron Roy
出版社: Randomhouse
封面: Paperback
頁數: 96頁
適合年齡: 8+歲
訂價: $180
在這一集中,有人偷了告鴨橋的錢,這和Josh家發生的小火警有什麼關聯嗎? Dink, Josh 和Ruth Rose能幫警察找回被偷的錢嗎?這一系列書都在描寫以Dink, Josh 和Ruth Rose 這三個好朋友為主角的偵探故事。相當有趣,適合8歲以上兒童閱讀。

Q is for Quicksand. . . . Everyone in Green Lawn is quaking about the ducks that keep crossing River Road. But just when the town raises enough cash to build a special duck bridge, the money is stolen! Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose are on a quest to find the culprit. But to catch their quarry, the kids have to go wading . . . through quicksand!